Static Charge: The Shocking Industry Hazard
Often, the idea of static charge conjures innocent memories of rubbing balloons and hair standing on end. However, in an industrial setting, static charge is regarded far less fondly. In…
Often, the idea of static charge conjures innocent memories of rubbing balloons and hair standing on end. However, in an industrial setting, static charge is regarded far less fondly. In…
Much like the pursuit of high quality is a shared company endeavour and not assigned to one Department, the emphasis on excellent service and support is also a collective goal…
“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking”; a principle upheld by manufacturing pioneer, Henry Ford. He recognised that for any successful organisation, its attitude to quality must…
As explained in our previous Blog post, Roofing Problem Areas: The Troublesome 10%, Belzona’s industry experience indicates that 90% of roofing problems usually arise from a mere 10% of the…
Facilities maintenance issues can have a major impact on productivity in both industrial and commercial environments, with something as small as a leaking roof causing significant disruption and downtime. Belzona…
As a global enterprise, Belzona’s operations stretch across the world, yet sometimes it can be difficult to keep abreast of Belzona’s activities on the other side of the planet. Following…
What are pinholes and holidays? Traditionally, armour is only as strong as its weakest point, highlighting the significant dangers of any subsequent breach. A chink in one’s armour poses…