A Look Back At The Belzona ATOM Conference

Belzona Team At ATOM Conference
Belzona Team At ATOM Conference

Belzona’s Harrogate office recently hosted staff from all over for the ATOM Conference. ATOM stands for administration, technical, operations, and marketing, which are the main topics discussed during the event. Teams from each department came together to brainstorm new ideas or practices to maintain Belzona’s departments current.

Now, that the conference is over and all staff has returned to their offices, it is time to apply what we learned from the meetings. To give a glimpse into what staff is thinking, members of different departments were asked what they knew before the conference, what they wanted to know, and what they learned after the conference. Here is what they had to say:

ATOM Technical Session

I know… “that the Business Development and Distributor Support teams have a lot to discuss in terms of the structure and organization of projects, new findings, trainings, etc. The way each office is tackling these points is similar yet different. The training results and certification needs to be the same throughout all the offices to have a harmonized system.”

I want to know… “how the data collected from trainings, new findings, and projects are stored and how it is shared throughout the offices. I want to know how the offices divide the work between the Business Development team and the Distributor Support team. How are the teams splitting the work and then bringing it together in order to improve on new projects and trainings?”

I learned… “that the offices have two separate teams that specifically focus on certain tasks. One team is dedicated to Business Development and market research, and another is dedicated to Distributor Support and trainings. I also learned that the information is stored primarily on SharePoint, thus making it easier to share amongst the offices. I learned that all of the offices agree on coming up with a unique structure on how to approach projects, trainings, and how this information can be stored and shared.”

– Technical Service Engineer from the US

ATOM Operations Sessions

I know… “that the UK has a larger warehouse and manages it differently than in the US. They store more products than the US. I am aware of how both centers manage their warehouses but it would be good to see how the UK operates in person based on what I know they do.

I want to know… “what the staff that manages operations in the UK think about packaging, product set-up, and production scale-up. I want to know what more can the US do with the renovations made to the facility. Also, sustainability is a big topic. I want to know what are we going to do to make products more sustainable- whether it is the raw materials we purchase or the shelf-life of the products.

I learned… “both offices have similarities and differences. I learned how the Harrogate office manages its warehouse and its manufacturing and packaging process. I expect that in the future the processes will become more effective and seamless. We need to continue communicating between offices to make sure everyone is up to speed and using the best methods.

– Order Processing from the US

ATOM Marketing Session

I know… “the ways in which we produce videos could be reviewed so that they are modernized and appeal to our audience of today. Our general approach to marketing can be made more contemporary, cleaner, and with a better focus on our core values. Our identity as a brand needs to be reviewed also, to ensure that it is kept up to date, relevant, and appropriately used on all platforms.”

I want to know… “how we can create higher quality videos that showcase our brand and products as professional and high quality. What equipment do we need? What aesthetic are we chasing and why? Who are we creating content for and how can we tailor our messaging to ensure we reach those people more effectively?”

I learned… “we can change the way in which we create videos and the style in which we create them as well. Our core values have been updated and better reflect our how, why, and who. We are going to focus on quality over quantity and reduce the press to turn out work in favor of adhering to the brand and our values.”

– Graphic Designer from the UK

ATOM was a productive event for all Belzona staff. Stay assured that we learned plenty of information from one another that will be applied to our future practices. We hope to continue meeting in person as often as we can to get to know everyone face-to-face, collaborate on projects, and discuss topics that will keep Belzona current.

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