Million Trees Miami Initiative
Miami-Dade County’s Million Trees Miami initiative is dedicated to “growing a healthy urban forest that provides a minimum of 30 percent tree canopy coverage and the maximum social, economic, and environmental benefits to the region.” Million Trees Miami has a goal of providing a minimum of 30 percent tree canopy coverage. They estimate that the county is currently at 20 percent. They can reach their goal and offer lacking areas a healthy urban forest with Belzona’s effort.
The program was developed by Neat Streets Miami based on the idea that a sustainable and healthy urban forest provides communities with significant social, economic, and environmental benefits that promote a beautiful and high-quality community. For example, trees provide shade, which decreases the need for air conditioning; trees reduce stormwater runoff, which prevents high water levels in soil; and trees improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and matter from the air.
Additionally, studies show that trees increase property values by five to fifteen percent and make communities more aesthetic and appealing. Finally, the presence of trees decreases crime and violence in neighborhoods. Therefore, residents are more likely to spend time outside, which builds a sense of community and safety. Yet, some areas in Miami-Dade County, Florida do not have this luxury.
Belzona’s Contribution
Belzona can help the local community by contributing to this goal. Belzona partnered with Neat Streets Miami and the Million Trees initiative by purchasing 100 trees. Miami-Dade County was able to match our donation and purchased 90 more trees, adding up to a total of 190 trees that 20 Belzona and Neat Streets Miami team members planted in a local park in need of shade and local wildlife.
During the event, Neat Streets Miami provided the Belzona staff with the tools needed to plant the trees and a demonstration on how to properly plant them. They also provided us with native trees and plants that both provide shade and food for birds and pollinators. After, everyone got to work. We were able to plant 120 trees in less than two hours, finishing before expected. The planted trees will ensure the park is shady and cool for all parkgoers.

“We have chosen Million Trees Miami as their work has a positive impact on the communities shared by most of our team members and their families. This initiative provided Belzona with a unique opportunity not only to give back to the community but also to bring members of different departments together for a common cause. The team spirit during the tree planting was outstanding. We look forward to partnering with Million Trees Miami in the future and thank Miami-Dade Parks and Recreation Department for the efforts to improve the socio-economical conditions in Miami-Dade County.”

Digital Content Creator, Belzona Inc., Miami, Florida