Road To Bipartisanship
On November 15, 2021, a $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed into law as a result of bipartisan cooperation within the government. The influential bill is to invest and fund improvements, growth, and the modernization of the infrastructure of the United States.
The bill went through many changes since its introduction in June 2021. At its inception, the bill was a $2.6 trillion plan that would initiate spending in many sectors of the country, such as childcare, eldercare, and infrastructure. However, the original plan encountered obstacles within the Legislative Branch then the infrastructure bill was reintroduced, allowing it to pass as a smaller independent bill. Despite the cutbacks, it is still the most expansive plan of its kind since the construction of the interstate highway system began in the 50s.
Over the next eight years, the bill will disperse funds to rebuild and improve America’s roads and bridges, passenger and freight rail, public transit, airports, seaports, broadband internet, water and wastewater systems, among other utilities. It also aims to combat climate change by investing billions into electric cars; cleaning up abandoned gas fields, mines, contaminated waterways, and polluted areas; and building resiliency towards wildfires and hurricanes on the country’s coasts.

How Belzona Benefits
The federal government will begin incentivizing the country’s infrastructure allowing states to start applying for grants, leading to more business in the infrastructure industry as the new bill becomes law.
Belzona and its distributors can become involved in the new growth that the United States will see. Reports and requests for repairs will begin in due time. Belzona has solutions for many of the industries that will benefit from the bill. For example, corrosion and weather protection might be a problem found in the water and wastewater systems the federal government has aimed to improve. The company has experience working with water and wastewater treatment facilities to ensure the protection of its assets. In addition, Belzona has experience working with other industries that the bill focuses on, such as the power industries, public transit, airports, seaports, oil, gas, and clean energy.
There is an opportunity to be seen in the future also. There need to be solution systems to keep up with the maintenance of the new improvements as the infrastructure is repaired. Belzona can be at the forefront of this potential maintenance by being an option for preservation. In addition, the facilities that manufacture and assemble parts and assets will also feel the incentives opening this sector of the market.
It is time to think outside of the box as to the solutions Belzona can provide to the country as a whole now that the federal government is investing in the nation’s wanting infrastructure. It is the time to approach the industry leaders and showcase the advantages of using Belzona’s durable, multipurpose, and valuable products.
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Digital Content Creator, Belzona Inc., Miami, Florida