Leading Edge Protection with Just a Single Coat of Belzona 5721
Case Study for Leading Edge Protection Wind Turbine in wit one coat
Case Study for Leading Edge Protection Wind Turbine in wit one coat
At a wind farm in Iowa, U.S, some of the turbines’ blades were experiencing leading edge damage. The Project Manager in charge of the farm wanted a long-term leading edge…
A Growing Industry with a Growing Problem The rapidly increasing size, efficiency and number of wind turbines is fast making wind a viable alternative to traditional methods of power generation.…
Wind turbine leading edge protection has been one of the most talked about topics when it comes to wind turbine maintenance. The leading edge is responsible for the blade’s aerodynamic…
Renewable energy surge 2016 marked a series of impressive milestones for renewable energy versus conventional fossil-fuels. Certainly, one of the most remarkable was global investment in new renewable energy infrastructure…
Thank you to Barry Nisill for the insight into Canada’s industries and the Belzona activities there. Canada routinely tops tables for being one of the most picturesque countries in the…