Read more about the article High-Performance Coating Protects Tanks
High-Performance Coating Protects Tanks at CuanTec Chitosan and Chitin Production Plant

High-Performance Coating Protects Tanks

At a chitosan production plant in Scotland, UK, a high-performance, anti-corrosion coating was used to coat the internal lining of three tanks, protecting them against aggressive, acidic substances for the long term.

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Read more about the article Storage Tank Farm Provided With A Total Refurbishment
The refurbished storage tank farm

Storage Tank Farm Provided With A Total Refurbishment

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title="COMMON PROBLEMS STORAGE TANKS FACE:" title_align="separator_align_left" color="sky" border_width="3"][vc_column_text]Above ground industrial storage tanks and their contents are extremely valuable assets that need to be protected. There are a wide range…

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