Summary of the Events
Every two years Belzona invites Distributors and Consultants from all over the world to a city in their respective region to update the Belzona network on the company’s performance, new products, and industries and applications of interest. This year, Belzona hosted five regional meetings that took place between the months of January and March: Orlando, USA; Las Vegas, USA; Panama City, Panama; Bangkok, Thailand; and Prague, Czech Republic. Each event began with a meet-and-greet so that everyone could get comfortable with each other and get to know the staff. Everyone enjoyed food and drinks while chatting about Belzona and catching up since the last meeting.
The next day, we started with a welcome from the Belzona Corporate Staff. Then, Keynote Speaker Joel Svendsen, President of Belzona presented on ESGs—Environment, Social, and Governance. His presentation compared wind power to solar power. He also compared the potential of the BRIC nations—Brazil, Russia, India, and China.
Next, CEO Barry Nisill updated the attendees on Belzona’s performance in the past year and new operations such as more products being fabricated in the Miami facility. After, the Marketing team informed the audience of the newest updates like the improved KHIA and Belzona Talk sites. Additionally, the Research and Development Department gave a glimpse into what Belzona is currently looking into. They are researching sustainably made products and products for new types of applications. Other presentations varied from region to region, but topics included a look into new hydrogen technology, composite pads and patches, and products and applications approved for food and drinking water, among others.
Belzona Product Demos
Finally, the TKL team spoke about the featured products of the event. These products were chosen because they were released during the pandemic but lacked a hands-on demonstration. Throughout the meeting, Distributors and Consultants had the opportunity to experience hands-on demonstrations of the products. For example, Belzona 5711 and Belzona 5721 are applied on eroded wind turbine blades but at the event, people could use the specialized chalking gun to apply the products onto 3D-printed sections of a turbine blade.

The demonstrations were the most liked aspect of the event. Distributors and Consultants alike stood at tables listening to the Belzona Engineers speak about the features and benefits of the highlighted products. Afterward, attendees applied products onto miniature replicas of containment areas, chutes, blades, and various surfaces like concrete and metal. The biggest takeaway from this activity is learning about the benefits of the events’ featured products and attendees familiarizing themselves with other products from the Belzona catalog.
Celebrating Belzona’s Best
In the end, these global events are for Distributors and Consultants so, awards were in order. We would like to congratulate the top Distributors from each region. They are the Distributors who have sold the most Belzona products and services in their area. In the North and South America region the three top Distributors are HITA (Brazil), Belzona Houston (US), and Belzona Alabama (US). In the Asia/ Pacific region, the top three Distributors are Nicco Engineering Services Limited (India), Hajjan Trading and Industrial (Saudi Arabia), and Hyunwoo E&S Co., Ltd (South Korea). In the Europe/ Africa region, the top three Distributors are AESSEAL (South Africa), BELSE (Poland), and BS Srl (Italy).
Additionally, we would like to congratulate every Consultant who was awarded for their years of service or sales milestone. Recognition is key as it motivates Consultants and makes them feel appreciated. Ultimately, we would not be anywhere without their efforts.

Over the past few months, we have been thrilled to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees of our five regional meetings held across the globe, the first such in-person meetings in over three years. The response has been excellent, with many participants expressing their eagerness to attend future such events in 2024 if we would host them and several requesting that we bring some of the presented concepts to their countries and territories. A recurring sentiment among the attendees has been that these meetings were among the best events they have ever attended, which speaks volumes about the hard work and dedication to make these meetings a success.
As we move forward, our global team will carefully review and analyze the feedback received to shape the direction and focus of our future meetings. Our priority is to continue fostering meaningful connections while delivering world-class support to all our distributors and consultants. The enthusiasm and appreciation shown by the attendees have reinforced our commitment to creating high-quality, engaging events that promote collaboration and drive innovation. We are excited to build upon the momentum generated by these regional meetings and look forward to expanding our reach and delivering even more impactful experiences.
The Belzona regional meetings are an important event for the company because it brings together people who otherwise would not see each other. It gives Distributors and Consultants the opportunity to discuss business opportunities and experiences that can improve operations and sales at Distributorships. Moreover, it allows them to see the Belzona Corporate Staff who are usually answering phones and emails—letting them put a face to the voice.
Let us know what you’d like to see at future Belzona Regional Meetings.

Digital Content Creator, Belzona Inc., Miami, Florida