Read more about the article Belzona Repairs Propeller Shaft on Ship Carrying Olympic Torch
Belzona Repairs Propeller Shaft on Ship Carrying Olympic Torch

Belzona Repairs Propeller Shaft on Ship Carrying Olympic Torch

On May 8th, 2024, the historic Ship the Belem navigated into the bustling port city of Marseille, marking the arrival of the Olympic torch in France. Over 150,000 spectators gathered…

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Read more about the article How Can Polymeric Solutions Support a More Sustainable Marine Industry? 
How Can Polymeric Solutions Support a More Sustainable Marine Industry?

How Can Polymeric Solutions Support a More Sustainable Marine Industry? 

By simultaneously reducing capital expenditure, maintenance time and greenhouse gas emissions, Belzona's innovations play a pivotal role in steering the maritime sector towards a more sustainable and efficient future.

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